The Tidal Market is the entrance to the Cley settlement project, a cluster of 14 buildings by 14 students at the coast of Norfolk. Through many town hall meetings, we placed and designed our buildings in concert with the functions of the settlement as an urban construct. The Tidal Market leans on the settlement's flood defence berm and guards its gate out to sea.
Cley’s maritime and mercantile history has diminished. Industrialisation is reversing and nature is reclaiming the sculpted marshes. The new settlement introduces an alternate reality where trade returns. Shaped by the political precinct and the precious landscape, the Tidal Market is an act of political resistance informed by the tidal salt marsh. (Scroll to the bottom for drawings and portfolio.)
Tutor: Níall McLaughlin + Hannah Corlett
The market is made up of four structures: the Beacon, which at night guides ships into port during high tide; the Canopy, an open-air pier for docking and trading; the Market, with individual kiosks and small stores; and the Storehouse, which temporarily holds traded goods before transportation inland.
The storehouse and market.
The canopy offers temporary docking and trading spaces for small vessels and the storehouse.
The entrance sequence.